Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Please Save Me From Myself!

Save Me From Myself Blog:

Have you ever heard the quote, "ELEVATION REQUIRES SEPARATION"?

Sometimes we often hold on to "What it could be OR What it was be AS OPPOSED to What it is." As humans, it's natural to never want to let go. Especially, for those of you that aren't comfortable with change.

Rather you realize it or not, some of the situations we're in are our own faults! It's normal to get caught up in what's wrong and become a victim of undeserving behavior. You should never be comfortable with functioning in dysfunction! I cant stress that enough. We're now living in a world where calling your spouse disrespectful names is considered normal. Further more, we're living in a society where a putting your hands on someone in a disrespectful manner is considered a way of expressing love out of anger. These things are not okay!

Question: Well, if the relationship isn't right why won't I leave?

Great question! Well, here's your answer.

Some of us allow the disrespectful behavior because we love the convenience. We like the material things we're getting from that person. Not only that, we love their platform. Meaning we love where they are in life and we feel as long as we're linked to them we will enjoy the benefits as well. 

Do you talk to yourself? 

No, talking to yourself doesn't make you crazy! It's okay to sit down and ask GOD a simple question such as: 


If you're a firm believer in Christ, you already understand how important it is to pray certain things and people off of you. Especially, friendships and romance relationships. Sadly, some people just don't mean us any good and they prevent us from growing. Not only that, some people aren't comfortable with change, like I mentioned earlier. So therefore, they're willing to put up with almost anything not understanding how much it's really destroying them and breaking them down mentally. Secondly, it's okay to take it upon yourself to cut all ties and walk away from certain situations because some people won't leave your life until you leave them. 

Example: Have you ever wanted a relationship to work out between you and someone you THOUGHT you really wanted?

Sometimes it's not all bad and you have to be appreciative. Maybe that relationship didn't work because he/she was abusive, He/She slept around a lot and was exposed to sexually transmitted diseases, He/She wasn't supportive enough and couldn't see your vision, He/She was a distraction and would simply slow you down and etc. (THINK ABOUT IT)


Let go of the so called "friends" that are jealous of you and your accomplishments! Sometimes we don't even realize how jealous our "friends" are of us which is the exact reason why we would never expect them to try harm us or put us in a terrible position.

We need to learn to how stop trying to open doors that GOD already closed. If they're gone, it's for a reason. Sometimes the explanation and apology isn't needed. You have to let people venture off and do their own thing to save yourself!

It's nothing worst than wasted time and energy! Think about it.

Thanks For Reading,
Charisma Miller 
Instagram - @Rissy103
Twitter - @CharismaMM
Email - officialcharisma@me.com 

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