Thursday, March 3, 2011

You Can Do Anything!

Who said you had to be rich to give back and help others?????
That's where most people are confused....
If your heart is big that's all that really matters,
I've launched a inspiration group

DREAM dream noun, often attributive \ˈdrēm\This inspiration group covers different materials from A to Z

Definition of DREAM

 A series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep.An experience of waking life having the characteristics of a dream as a visionary creation of the imagination.
DEDICATION ded·i·ca·tion noun \ˌde-di-ˈkā-shən\

Definition of DEDICATION

An act or rite of dedicating to a divine being or to a sacred use.
A devoting or setting aside for a particular purpose.

DETERMINATION  de·ter·mi·na·tion noun \di-ˌtər-mə-ˈnā-shən\


A judicial decision settling and ending a controversy.
The resolving of a question by argument or reasoning.  

PURPOSE OF "3D".....

  1. Volunteer Services - Offer time in various areas. ( With Senior citizens, Autism Centers, Soup Kitchens, etc)
  2. Review - We are here to let all the children and teens know that there is someone out there that really cares about them. Teens will review Teen Pregnancy, Health ( Remaining in shape and developing healthy diets, etc)
  3. Education - There will be several people within the organization that will have tutoring jobs and there also is a area for tutoring for dyslexia.
4. Travel - We will have two big benefits a year to raise money to take members of "3D" on trips. All trips will be either dedicated to a educational or a helping environments.


-Charisma Miller


Ashley Walker is such as great person with a big heart.
True enough she has a role on Basketball Wives but what she does outside of that means much more in
I met Ashley on twitter and we clicked instantly. Once I asked her to follow me, she followed me and tweeted "I read your blogs, keep up the good work" and ever since then  i've been calling her the
Older Version of Me...
Just something so simple as someone telling me that they read my blogs encouraged me to go further!
Ashley is one of my role models because she's such a positive person.
Ashley Walker is the founder of the "Ashley Walker Mission of Love and A Girls Life"
Ashley travels alot to help families across the world that can't provide for themselves.
Even when Ashley isn't able to travel far, she's always helping either in her neighborhood or community.
Keep up the great work Ash!

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