As humans we must learn how to be more selective yet responsible with our words, thoughts and emotions.
Energy is everything and what we put out into the universe plays a huge part on how things balance out and works in our favor.
You're probably thinking "Why are words, thoughts and emotions so important?"
Well, let me break it down for you.
Wether you believe it or not words, thoughts and emotions affect us more than we realize.
Sometimes we're so use to being around certain people or even specific person and we begin to say things like "I miss him/her, I just want to be with or see this person and etc." However, in all actuality that's not the truth at all because if you really wanted to be involved with that person you would still be there, right? You wouldn't have left no matter how tough the situation appeared to be, right? My point exactly. That is a perfect example of providing the universe with false information.
We have to learn how to take control of our own emotions. We can't allow your emotions to control us! It's a mental process. Thinking about something or someone for too long will make you a prisoner of your own unwanted thoughts.
Here's a better example.
We've all been guilty of saying we hate our jobs. But have we ever really took the time out to think about what would happen if we lost them? What if they told us they no longer needed us? The universe hears all things spoken from our lips and tries it's best to accommodate us.
Once those specific words, thoughts or emotions surface the universe/atmosphere they can't be taken back. You can apologize or even be forgiven for what has once left your tongue but it's on it's way to come to pass.
Taking responsibility for your own words, thoughts and emotions requires discipline but it can be done.